Chris and Jo Ann Ingram. 12th February 2025

So many happy memories of Shirley over the past 60 yrs from dancing together at their wedding to Shirley playing the piano for me on the recorder, then later on with Jo Ann, visiting and hiking in Dartmoor, along beaches and cliff tops. Always with laughter stories and happy chattering along the way. Lovingly caring for her Mother who’d moved close by, and our Mum too later on. Then with Maths, a born teacher she could have taught the sparrows in the. trees how to count, it came naturally..or from hard work for graduation. I’m thinking every member of the extended family benefitted: from the ground work resulting in a PhD, to assistance for running a business , to my casual mention of statisticsl eading to- ‘Halleluja now I can understand what it’s all about’ . Jo Ann and I have the happiest thoughts from sharing our lives with Shirley and these will be warmly in our minds when we are saying good bye to Shirley, our sister in law, for the last time - from far off New Zealand but feeling very close.